Wednesday, March 09, 2005

get yourself together

get yourself together

you guys ever had those people in your life that only come to you when they need your help?

i hate those people.

i mean they don't make any effort to really get to know you.
they only think about you when you can get them out of a sticky situation.
they take you for granted and are very fake.

this is the reason i treat my acquaintances as that and my friends as my friends. friends are to me people who you can talk to, hang out with or just smile at without any ulterior motive other than you enjoy knowing that person as a part (however small) of your life. these people are the people whom you can enjoy a decent Q n A session after not seeing each other for so long and you know that they genuinely are interested in how you have been.

the other kind. the ones i really dislike are those whom probably see you as an insignificant part of their life but keep you in mind anyways whenever they need something from you. this is especially true if you are known to be helpful and pretty obliging. they take this kindness as a cue to take advantage and maximise the potential you have for the task they have to complete.

i'm not an overtly friendly guy. in fact i am actually supremely shy when faced with people whom i know very little but known enough to remember them and at least say hi. the reason being i may want to get to know them better or i may have made a fool of myself the first time we met. but mainly, i dont like the idea of being supremely friendly to them when actually i know very little of them. it just seems too fake for my liking. i mean a simple smile is ok, but because i think too much of this, i guess i come off as a little stand-offish. and i've had my fair share of people who i dont talk to in school suddenly being nice and friendly only to find that they had a motive for it. i'm all for helping out if i think its a worthy cause but this hypocrisy, i dont like. i'd rather someone come up to me straight, lay down all the rules and give me a choice -help or not help. thats much more honest and i can help much more sincerely. still its not like i have a lot to offer. so it doesnt happen so often, except when i offer you an insight to my thinking - like it or not, i'm just sharing, you have the choice.

that's why you don't know. we go at nite.
(that's how we're gonna conquer the sun)