Wednesday, May 11, 2005

the colder water

the colder water

waking up happy
passing a day, despite its length, without any notice.
just the sound of the phone ringing or vulgarly vibrating soothes the lonely,eager soul... savouring each word, ingesting the tones of her voice...each vowel to last a minute.

you quiver at the thought of loss
sleepless, waiting for the next moment you share her smell, her touch, her breath.
everything else is lose touch of reality albeit for awhile
you lose yourself in what you think is love.

what is love? (think nite at the roxbury.. ;P)
romancing? sharing? touching?
an idea of living prescribed by those who seem to have it all.
its absence drives some to end their pathetic existence.
brings others to forsake their own blood.

what is love?
something relative
to the degree of naivety you hold.
for most its just abt losing their virginity to the asshole who first proclaims it.
with people like that you cant really blame the cynics.
but then again in the words of the ones who really know their stuff,

"love will keep us alive"

i guess i've been living on cigarettes then...cos i'm still kicking despite that, more than most in love. so the eagles are human after all eh.