Thursday, June 02, 2005

so long

so long

bad timing. that's the only reason good people stay single.
why then do people who seem to have all they need relationship wise throw everything away?

the lack of selflessness?
or pure boredom?

it pains me to see her hurting because i don't think she saw it coming. not that it would have made it excusable on his part but at least she could have readied herself for this.

still who am i to judge? i don't know exactly what happened and from what i know neither does she. he owes it to her to at least come clean about why it happened, if not now eventually.

moving along, i think i know why i'm still single...i sing when i work, way way too much as ina/lin/everyone else i've worked with will tell u. that's why takde jodoh. kwang kwang kwang. not like i'm desperately searching (unlike some people..hehe i mean u Den). C'mon i don't even have time to play football manager.

thanks for warning me yah, u hockey-playing beach bum who i think/hope will never read this =)