Wednesday, April 06, 2005

ugly one

ugly one

insecurity. how else can u explain taking one's words out of context twisting it 36o degrees and adding salt and pepper to it so much so as to allow a person's integrity and reputation be put to the test. it says a lot about one's character when he still has the cheek to pretend tat all is fine and try to lull the unsuspecting victim into a false sense of security while he stabs him in the back literally. well asshole you almost got me but thankfully people know me better than that. you can probably try again and again but the fact remains, as u obsess about getting me out of the picture, people see u for the snake u are and your credibility, whatever's left that is goes down another notch. u should be concentrating on makin urself a better actor and not makin me seem like a 2 faced rat, which coincidentally is ur other part-time job after getting really disgusting diseases due to the fact that hygiene is alien to u.

i'm on to u and u should count urself lucky that u dont matter enough for me to be overly bothered by it. try me again, go on. pimple-faced ratboy. its a matter of time before you get an STD and die.